Quality Products


OT AHU System which met and comply to WHO & MOH standard and operating criteria with low energy consumption. OT AHU has been endorsed by MOH for application in all Government Hospital OT application. OT AHU has proven capabilities to maintain the operation theatre with consistence temperature 180C±10C and relative humidity 55% ±5% at all time.

OT AHU is an energy efficient equipment which do not use electric heater for humidity control therefore able to provide energy savings up to 65% compared to conventional AHU.

OT AHU system will allow the end user to have the benefit of excellent system for hospital OT air conditioning needs with full compliance of OT required conditions by MOH while consuming lowest energy consumption.

CBC ( Proprietary Design)

CBC stands for "Circuit by Circuit" control of air conditioning Cooling coil, where CBC will regulate the chilled water flow within the Cooling coil header to maintained the Chilled water velocity trough the effective cooling area of the coil circuits at partial load, this will maximise the utilisation of the effective cooling area of the coil and obtain the desired leaving air conditions regardless of load variations. CBC helps to improve partial load relative humidity and eliminates space humidity issue during partial load.

Glycol & Cryogel Ice Ball

Encapsulated ice thermal storage system uses antifreeze coolant glycol to circulate around encapsulated Ice Ball containing nucleating agent to store and release its latent heat. The latent heat energy is stored in a storage tank during charging cycle and when the cooling load is required during discharging cycle, warm coolant carrying heat from the load is circulated against and around The Ice Ball to form the heat transfer, thus thawing the frozen Ice Balls.

Cryogel IceBalls is based on USA Technology, It consisted of 103mm plastic spheres formed with a high performance plastic polymer filled with nucleating fluid.

The Cryogel IceBall have 16 patented symmetrical dimples on the surface to allow for expansion as fluid inside the ball freezes to form ice. The Cryogel IceBalls are factory-filled and sealed with water and a proprietary nucleating agent. Cryogel IceBalls have been physically and thermally tested by international third party laboratories as well as SIRIM, Malaysia.

We supply and sell the above products.